Etz Avot
מספר מבקרים
: 312295
עברית | English
Jewish Roots of Father's tree & Thick tree World wide
The bible says: "The man is like the tree in the field".(Deuteronomy 20,19)
How are men and trees alike? Both depends on four elements : earth , water , air
And fire.Both men and trees that deepen their roots far in the ground will not be
Brought down ever by the strongest winds.
  The need to explore one's roots is obvious and natural, because the present
(which influences the future) is a reflection of the past. One's past is like the roots of
the tree, his future is like the branches, and he is like the trunk, which feeds the
branches. There is no future without a past. An identity is based on the bridge
the past present and future of all people, in particular the Jewish nation. An
understanding of our past will help us get a clearer idea of who we are.
As myrtle-a sthick tree branch,symbolizes the eternal life,so that continuity
Of fathers trees strengthen our essence as an individual,a family and as
  Our history, which began with Abraham, has known much exile and torture, like
  inquisition, pogroms ,wandering and the Holocaust , until the founding of Israel
in 1948.
Today the Jewish people count about 17 million men and women, a quarter of a
Percentage of The World's population (!)  We have survived despite everything,
Which is why it so importand to preserve our 4000 year old heritage and provide
A feeling of brotherhood among all Jews of the world and between fathers
And sons.
To know who you are,you must know where you came from. Who are your
Ancestors ? Your roots
Because of this, we are given the commandment: "And on that day, tell your
(Exodus 13,8).
It's important to instill tradition from generation to generation,because : "children's
Children are the crown of old men and the glory of children are their father"

(Proverbs 17,6)
Many draw their own personal and private family tree,and keep it for
Themselves or for their close families.But this site is not offering you a
Software self-preparation family tree,but shows you yours family tree ready
You can find online web sites with information on past records,held by
Churches about bastism,wedding and funerals.
But jews do not have nearly such information,because most of it was
Destroyed in the Holocaust and even before.
Yad Vashem's website has the history of the victims only.
It is time someone built a web site that will display the past and
present of our people and all of our family trees under one roof. Of course this is
very daring, but at one point someone has to start, so I picked up my glove and
working. As a second generation daughter of holocaust survivors, the absence of
grandparents in my life deeply affected me, and I became interested in family trees.
  The impression left on me by Gershony Izchak's book named "An Apple" on the
Jewish community in Tacovo,the community that my mother used to belong to
Caused me to further investigate and update the facts,Then to share them with the
Jewish community.
  The information I received from descendants of that community was about
around 20000 people. I then continued to explore and found info about many other
communities, and with god's help I plan to continue. This information is only the
beginning of as database that can help every Jew out there.
  The information that I have is based on holocaust novels, testimony at Yad
Vashem" and updates I have received from Jews everywhere.
I have had information about communities : Marmorosh (160 communities)
Koritz,Kaszony,Bilke in addition to Tacovo.
  This is not a holocaust site, but a site that can help Jews everywhere, from Africa
Europe,Asia,of every community out there,big or small.
This site tries to help Jews who have no access or do not know of books or any
other resources to their ancestors.
The Idea is that any Jew can find information, full or partial, about his past, and
add information that will serve others in the future, keeping the flame alight.
  I hope that the site "Father's Tree" will be blessed  like the Succoth blessing: "On
A thick tree branch"
(Leviticus 23,40) and will grow and be filled with info "Like a
Tree planted on the rivers of water, which gives its fruit in its season,whose
Leaves shall not be Cropped and who will succeed"
( Psalm 1, 3 )  
You can help us grow by mailing us with info on your Jewish family. With your help we wish to grow into a site that will help all Jews trace their ancestors.